Case Studies

Property Finance

Refinance and capital raise for HMO conversion

Challenge: Our client owned a property purchased with their own funds.  They wanted to refinance to recoup invested capital and raise additional funds for a multi-phased conversion project. The property was originally a commercial building.

The desired outcome was to convert the property into a shop with an 8-bed HMO above using permitted development rights.

Solution: RHL secured a development loan for the client providing initial funds to start the conversion.  We structured the loan with additional drawdowns accessible over 12 months to complete the project in phases. This enabled the client to manage the conversion timeline effectively and provided a smooth transition to long-term financing.

Outcome: Clients successfully completed the conversion on schedule. RHL facilitated a refinance onto a semi-commercial long-term mortgage, securing a stable financing solution.

Key Takeaways:

  • This case study demonstrates how RHL can help property owners navigate complex refinancing and capital raising projects
  • Unlocking Capital: We can help you access funds tied up in your existing property through refinancing, allowing you to invest in improvements or other ventures
  • Phased Funding Solutions: RHL structures loans with staged drawdowns, ensuring you receive capital as needed throughout your project timeline
  • Smooth Transitions: Our expertise facilitates a seamless transition from development financing to long-term mortgages, providing stability for your investment
  • Expert Guidance: We guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals

If you’re considering a complex property financing project, contact RHL Unique Financial Solutions today. We can help you navigate the challenges and unlock the potential of your investment.

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